Those are just a few “ingredients” that The New York State attorney general’s office found in supplements from Walmart, Walgreens, Target, and GNC.


Yes, you read that right. Houseplants. In your supplements. (Specifically, they found spruce and pine. The stuff in holiday decorations.) 


The findings, released in 2015, also showed something else:

Try Auragin, Risk-Free>>

Is it Really Ginseng, or Just Rice Powder?

With Auragin's
Farm-to-Bottle Ginseng,
You Can Literally
Taste the Difference....

Powdered Rice. Beans.




Four out of the five supplements tested contained

NONE of the herbs listed in their labels.

Here’s what they found in one brand’s ginseng supplements:

That's 0% ginseng... in your ginseng.

And that's just the beginning of it....

Before we get into that more, we have to quickly tell you about how we ended up in the ginseng biz.
We didn’t set out to do this. We met while we were both living in South Korea, which is widely considered to 
have the highest quality ginseng in the world. And so we saw the benefits of top quality ginseng firsthand.
But when we tried to find a quality ginseng supplement that friends and family back in the US could buy, 
there wasn’t one. We couldn’t find anything NEARLY as good as what we had in Korea.
That’s when we saw that the problems with most ginseng supplements go even deeper 
than fillers and “0% ginseng”...

Auragin is the #1 selling supplement on

Ginseng Problem #1:

Most ginseng companies order

their ginseng from a factory in

the US or in China...

These companies don’t even know where the ginseng comes from, or what exactly is in it. They just place an order and slap their label on the bottles. 
And then they sell that stuff to you.
That wasn’t acceptable to us. We wanted to know EXACTLY where the ginseng came from before recommending a supplement to our friends and family.
That’s when we started to think, “What if WE solve this problem? What if we make the highest quality ginseng supplement on the market?” 
Which brought us to the next problem...


Ginseng Problem #2:

Going to the source doesn't

always mean top quality...

We traveled all over the country looking for the highest quality ginseng roots available. 
We learned that while ginseng is a $1 billion dollar industry in
Korea, and there are lots of businesses growing and manufacturing ginseng, most of them didn’t meet our standards.
So what exactly were we looking for? That brings us to problem #3...


Ginseng Problem #3:

No one else is focused on

what the science says...

And we find that unacceptable.
The science says that ginsenosides are the active compounds in ginseng, responsible for its health benefits.
However, American companies may not even know their ginsenoside content (at least they’re not printing the ginsenoside content on the bottle). 
And Korean companies use a kinda weird rating system that’s based on the color and shape of the ginseng root, not on ginsenoside content.
As far as we know, we are the only ones focused on high ginsenoside content above all else. Because if the ginsenoside content is low, you’re not going to get any of the benefits of taking ginseng. You may as well take a sugar pill.
What we found, though, is that even in Korea, there were very few farms growing ginseng with the high level of ginsenosides we were looking for.
So, the solution was simple...


Farm-to-Bottle Ginseng,

Backed by Science

We both had to stay in Korea if we were going to do this right, and find our dream farm.
안녕하세요<--That means hello. 
It was important for us to be here on the ground. It was the only way we could ensure that our ginseng was 100% pure and of the highest possible quality.
So we travelled the country until we found one of the few farms out there growing top-quality ginseng with high levels of ginsenosides. 
And we worked with them to create Auragin Korean Red Ginseng.


For you, the high levels of ginsenosides in
Auragin Korean Red Ginseng means that you 
can rest assured that you’re getting the most
effective ginseng supplement out there.
And that means:


No more frustration trying to research the “best ginseng
brand”—we’re upfront about our 8% ginsenoside content,
which two to 26 times higher than other brands on the
Confidence that you’re buying the most effective ginseng on
the market, thanks to that high ginsenoside content...
Feel free from the worry that your ginseng has hidden fillers,
preservatives, or houseplants—ours 
is pure ginseng root. That’s it.


Auragin Korean Red Ginseng is so pure,

you can smell the ginseng root when

you open the bottle--the same smell

we experience when we visit our gin-

seng farm here in Korea.

Try Auragin, Risk-Free>>

What others have said

Here's what our customers have said:

Auragin is the #1 selling ginseng supplement on Amazon.

The real thing in a field of fakes...You don't have to do more than pop open the bottle to 
know Auragin is the real thing...Do yourself a favor and don't shop purely on price for supplements. 
Ginseng and other supplements *should* cost a certain basic amount, and there are a lot of brands
that cost too little to be anything but filler.”
—C. Kendrick


“Best ginseng on the market! Effects I've noticed, after one-month of daily use: improved stamina/cardio, increased reps at the gym, reduced abdominal fat, less ‘brain fog’, and ultimately a greater sense of well-being...From my research, I discovered that the two most important aspects of any good ginseng product is that it needs to have a high ginsenoside content and it needs proper (natural) ratios of the ginsenosides RG1 and RB1. Auragin is one of the very few products that meets both of these criteria...I also appreciate the fact that Auragin is made from only Korean grown ginseng. So there is really no concern with pesticides, contaminants, or pollution which is so often an issue with supplements and herbs manufactured in China.”


“I have been taking ginseng products for some time. Surfing the internet, one finds that Korean Red 6 year old ginseng is the best. I selected Auragin because of some of the reviews that I read. The product gives my the boost I am looking for without the feeling my heart is going to explode.
I am 51 years old, in good shape, and take 2 pills in the morning with my workout.”


“I have tried A LOT OF STUFF, and this coupled with weightlifting and cardio is the only that has fully worked to make me operate at 110% in the bedroom...So yeah, I'll be buying this stuff forever.”
—Anonymous Amazon reviewer 


“My energy was running so low that I needed a nap to get through the second half of the day. 
After using this product for two weeks, the naps were gone and productivity was way up!...I've now restarted my exercise program and am losing weight. I expect to be using this product for the foreseeable future! Worth every penny!”
—L. Hall


Try Auragin, Risk-Free>>

Don't take our word for it 

--try it for yourself

We’re so sure that we have the best, most effective ginseng on the market, that we’ll even ship it to you free of charge.
AND we offer a 1-year money-back guarantee if you’re not happy with it—you don’t even need to return the bottle. 
We’re taking on all the risk--that’s how confident we are in what we’ve made.


Try Auragin, Risk-Free>>
As soon as you open the bottle, you’ll smell, and then taste,
that Auragin is the real deal.
No rice powder. No weird additives. And definitely 
no houseplants (that’s just weird).
Only 100% pure ginseng, sourced from one of the 
best farms in Korea. We can’t wait for you to experience 
the difference for yourself. 
To your health,
Chris & James
Chris Chung and James Duffy
Founders, Auragin


Try Auragin, Risk-Free>>
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Chris (left) and James (right) with Mr.Choi (center), 
one of Auragin's third-generation ginseng farmers.